Wednesday, March 31, 2010

flip flops and board shorts

Alright, its not that warm, but this week is so awesome. It's forecasted to be in the 70's all week. And Ella can't get enough of it. She is always hanging out by the sliding door, bossing us to go outside.

After running into our neighbor Amanda on a few of our walks, she stopped by on Sunday night. She is expecting and it will be nice to have close neighbors to catch up with! It was especially night to hear after the terrible news we learned of another friend.

Before I forget, I have to quickly mention that Jamie Cullum shot a music video at Concordia a few weeks back. Nothing magnificent, but I was able to see the 'ol chap, which was neat.

For the first time since moving in (and chances are, for a long time in this house), we are able to shower in our master bathroom! And by painting the bathroom, we have paint every square inch of the main floor with new paint (both ceilings and wall). Even though its only been 6 months, its seems that every week we find another cheap fix or work around which sucks to find. Its more expensive for us to fix. But over time, we will tackle it all! If only we had more time!! Once its all said and done, we will add pictures of the remodels.

song: see below...

memory: Being that his name came to mind, I have to recall all the pets in my life thus far. 1. Tootser, technically my cousin Chrissy's dog (since my uncle Mike owned a pet store, but she resided and Grandma Evy & Grandpa Hugh's house; 2. The sole reason why I write these memories, and I can't remember this darn dog's name. Well, she was a nipper, so she didn't last long; 3. Mitzy, the Springer Spaniel we had for a number of years (as seen in a previous post) loved the cabin (she was sold to a farmer in rural MN who later told us she was blind and deaf); 4. Ulysses was a pet chipmunk I had for a few weeks while bringing him back to full health (he escaped into the Carlsbad house after gaining strength on Novartis cancer medication); 5. Eugene was a pet iguana I bought off of the Underground (UND's Craigslist)...he was alright. I sold him back on the Underground after 6 months (he never rested on my shoulder like I was hoping); 6. Macy, ahhh the beloved miniature pincher, was precious. She ended up migrating to my parents house who later sold her to a lady who worked at PetsMart; 7. and then there is Gage. He is still around.

No pictures or a song this time, but a video of NTB's last song they sang at First Ave. We were standing next to the guy who shot this video. Hugh Jr. was a few feet away from the band when they sang this acoustic version:

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

is it over yet

We are been overwhelmed with house projects for the last couple of weeks, but it seems they are slowly coming to an end. The main floor bath was painted (ceiling and walls), our bedroom was painted (ceiling and walls) and a new ceiling fan put in, and the master bathroom is nearing completion. We hope to have it all wrapped up by the time our housewarming party arrives on the 10th, since we have the VerDouws and Mr. Anderson staying with us.

Ella has been filling our days with laughter and tantrums recently! It seems that overnight she learned the artful craft of getting on the ground and crying until she gets what she wants. I have a feeling she learned it from Gage!! She is also waving goodbye every chance she can get and loves to talk on the phone (only when no one is on the other line, of course!).

The weather has been awesome the last few days. Playing outside and neighborhood walks have been filling up our spare time. It has been great to see old friends and catch-up with new neighbors in the area.

Last Friday we took the plunge and bought tickets to see NeedToBreathe at First Ave on Saturday night. It was the first time at First Ave for both Dawn and I. Luckily, after putting in some overtime at work, Hugh Jr. joined us there. Grandpa Hugh and Grandma Joni watched Ella at home. The show was amazing and I would see that band again in a heartbeat. A good memory there! Graham Colton opened for NTB, hence the tune below!

song: Graham Colton - First Week

memory: The killer tunage we heard this weekend brought me back to the sweet tunes that I always heard on the waves growing up. My Dad was a big Paul Simon fan, big Alan Jackson fan (and still is), among others. Its those classic tunes, and even the current ones, that carry use through tough times or remember the better times. Ahh, how they move us. Which gets me to thinking that I hope Ella and all fourteen of her brothers and sisters enjoy music and much as their parents do, and hope they pick up an instrument now and then and serenade us in the nursing home.

Which brings me to my next point...the infamous bucket list. I have waited to mention this so I didn't sound like a band-wagon-rider after the movie or the other shows that came out. But I want to put down on paper things I want to do before I die. And these list items aren't in order of when or how soon they should be done, but rather when they come to me! 1. I want to visit (and illegally skydive off of, if I am feeling dangerous) Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil someday.

In addition, if I can roughly quote my sister-in-law, starting April 5th, 25 is gonna be my year. Watch our world.

Monday, March 15, 2010

one week

Yes, it has been over a week since I posted, but so much has happened!

Ella: Walking (4-5 steps at a time), telling long stories, coloring, waving goodbye, doing the hokie pokie, enjoying the backyard

Gage: Putting his shock collar to good use, not making friends with our neighbor dogs, getting sick from snow mold

Dawn: Scrapbooking, sewing, painting, reading, dreaming of her new garden

Bill: Bathroom renovation, painting, Craigslisting, not looking forward to being a quarter-of-a-century old (i.e. being 24 for rest of my life).

We are really gearing up to see friends and family at our Spring/House-Warming party in April. We are loving the recent 60 degree weather. And we are keeping busy in the meantime.

Song: BarlowGirl - I Need You to Love Me

Next week I will write more and include pictures of our master bedroom update! Current house update...Bathroom update before and after:

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

right foot in

Where do I begin??? I'll break it down quickly, Ella is walking...kind of, Gage has a shock collar, Dawn and I are about the same, and the Olympics are over.

Since the last post, Ella has started to take her first steps. She hasn't taken off by herself yet, but loves to walk from one person to another or from the coffee table to us. But, as we all guessed, when company comes over, she is shy and won't take those steps. She also learned the hokie pokie at day care and loves doing it at random. She continues to be a good eater and has her own little schedule of going to bed at 7pm and waking up at 6am. She has also joined the chorus at church. She loves to sing with the canter when we are in mass. Love it! A little bed head shot here for ya.

Last Saturday we participated with some of Dawn's coworkers at the MOA for a fundraising walk for juvenile diabetes. Ella was a hambone for all the folks there and it was a nice walk.

Gage and I still go on occasional walks. But, he broke the camels back last weekend when he didn't come inside for when we needed to go to church. And had he been a good boy, we would have been fine with that. But, instead, he barked the whole time. So I marched myself into the closest Petsmart and invested a little.

The weather has been flippin' awesome recently. The 40's and the 50's...does this mean no more snow? We can only hope!

Song: Bonnie Raitt - Angel from Montgomery

Memory: Speaking of Gage and since I got a picture sent to me from my Dad, I have to take a moment to remember Mitzy. She was a good dog. And it was fitting that she was a Springer. My Uncle Mike owned a pet store in Moorhead. I don't recall the reason why he had this dog, but my Dad, being the dog lover that he is, took her in. Nonetheless, she loved the cabin and to roll around in fish. From what I remember, she was with us for at least 10 years. In the end, she ended up being blind and deaf, both of which we didn't know. We learned of these fun facts when we sold her to a farmer in MN who call us weeks later. She was a great dog. RIP mitzy. This picture is Mitzy and my cousin Mike in our Richfield house. Ahhhh, the memories.