Sunday, December 12, 2010

two and pacifier-free

Another month has past and more harsh weather has hit us. We had a windy day in early November. That was followed by a few snow storms, the worst happened yesterday. We think Burnsville got hit with about 19 inches. It started on Friday night and ended on Saturday night. We snowblowed and shoveled, and then after the snowblower broke, we shoveled some more. Our neighbors, the Walhbergs helped us out alot with the four-wheeler turned slowplow. Very thankful for that! Also, because of the snow storm, the Metrodome collapsed! I think it's happened before, but still crazy to think about.

Ella's second birthday is on Weds. Two already?!? It's unreal how the time has flown by. She is suck a big girl now. Her birthday party was set for Saturday. Because of the storm, we didn't have many party-goers (which was fine). Grandma, Grandpa and Bev joined us for a little party. We had cake, opened presents and shared stories. Ella got some great gifts! clothes, shoes, doll furniture/toys and more toys, to name a few. She played so hard she crashed in Dawn's arms once the party was over. Last weekend we had Ella's pictures at Target. Ella did great even though the time with the photographer was limited.

We have been slowly by surely potty-training Ella. We haven't hit the stool to hard, but when we can we try to encforce it. There will come a day soon when we make a priority. More importantly and tirelesy draining, we went pacifier-free a week ago. We think that we took too long to pull the plug, but each kid is different and we went at our own pace. Nonetheless, she hasn't taken it very well. She has taken longer to go down for naps and for bedtime (since that was the only time she relied on it). Tonight was the best yet. It only took her about 20 min to fall asleep. What a relief! Now that the pacifier is packed away (until the next one :), Ella has been talking alot more! Full sentences mixed with some jabber fill our past time.

For Thanksgiving we joined the Sheehan extended-family at Hugh and Joni's. Lots of food and football was had by all. Everyone was able to join us. For Black Friday, we did a bit of holiday shopping later in the day (no early mornings this year). We put up our tree and other home decorations later that Friday. Ella loved putting decorations on the tree. She found a branch that was positioned right so she could just lay the ornaments on it. When it was said and done, there were probably 12 ornaments piled together. It was cute! On the Sunday of that weekend, the Schillers and Dave and Granny were in town for a beauty pagent. We joined them at Mom and Dad's to watch the Vikings game. It was also great to see them.

With the holidays drawing near, we have had quite a few holiday parties we have attended (with work folks and others). We still have a few more to participate in before the season is over. In fact, this weekend we are heading to Fargo for the extended-family Springer Christmas. We haven't been there in a few years so it will be good to see everyone again. We will be in town for Christmas day and then head to North Dakota for 5 days. For these parties we have done our fair-share of baking and cooking. We did some cookie baking and decorating with Ella a few weeks ago. Ella had a blast and was a big help using the rolling pin and the cookie cutter. And I'm sure we will do a bit more!

Dawn has been on a Twilight kick recently. Between books and movies, she is in it to win it. I did take a moment to watch a few frames of the third movie. It was entertaining, I will leave it at that. Dawn also has her sewing projects and other books she is reading for her book club. I have been spending time with Hugh Jr. pondering to take over the world. Really, though, we usually have him over for drinks and snacks every weekend to talk about the times and whats up in technology. Hopefully we can lock-in some stellar clients soon.

Even thought we haven't come together for the last few games, we have been spending every Vikings/Sunday football game with Liz (Dawn's co-worker) and her boyfriend Mike. For each game there is always a great spread of munchies and dips. It has been fun to spend that time together!

Song: OneRepublic - Good Life

More after next weekend!