Tuesday, May 12, 2009

We're here!

Hello! Well here we are, the Eagan Springers...we too, have decided to start a blog! Let the fun begin...

It has been a fairly mellow spring for us! Ella is going to be FIVE months at the end of this week! This little girl is growing too fast for us. She keeps us well entertained; she now is rolling (and rolling, and rolling...), eating rice cereal and other various fruits and vegetables (carrots are her fave), and "talking" non-stop! Her doctor said at her four month appointment last month that she suspects teeth will be coming soon, but so far they haven't made their debut!

And Gage. He is a very energetic pup, and likes to keep us busy. Bill just taught him to sit and to shake last week - he learned them very quickly! I wish he would learn to leave Ella's pacifiers alone, however. We could do without that.

Last but not least, the Mom and Pop of the family. We are coming up on the one year anniversary of our Minnesota residency! It has been a quick and crazy but very wonderful year! It has been tough to be so far away from all of the North Dakota family, but we make the trek as often as we can!

Saturday, May 9, 2009


I was lucky enough to get copies of extensive family lineage for the Kuehn family tree (Bill's grandma's family). So, using the online website/tool Geni, we are entering family lineage information on both sides of our families. It is impressive to look back at our relatives and our history. And I am super stoked about the fact that we have an electronic record of this information. I am also hoping that this will encourage our extended families to contribute to this database.

We will show you all the results soon.

Friday, May 8, 2009

It's About Time!

Ya figure it's my job to monitor activity of social networking sites, yet I don't have one for personal use?!? Well, here you go! The Springer Forum is finally active and we hope to beef this blog up with comical stories, remarkable memories, and tons of photos for our friends and family to see.

Check back soon. And we love you all!