It has continued to be project city in our house. And may just be the warmer weather (the 30's for the week), but Summer can't come soon enough. I think the biggest thing that is eating at us is that we didn't get much time outside last fall once we moved in, so we are looking forward to the warm weather to spend tons of time in the back yard. Nonetheless, we press on with scrap booking, sewing, reading, geniologizing (haha), and minor house projects. It sure is tough to not be able to tackle all the upgrades we want to do to this house right away!
Ella has been having some pretty uncongealed bm's recently (some daycare talk for ya). We can't put our finger on it, but we think its either more teeth (impossible, right? She already has so many!) or another ear infection. Either way, is has been a long run (no pun intended). Hopefully things clear up soon.
A colleague of mine is leaving for another position in Wisconsin, so I spent happy hour with him and a few others in St. Paul on Wednesday. Speaking of new gigs, brother Hugh Jr. started a new position for a consulting company. He has spent the last few weeks in New York working with his client. Hopefully we will have good news to report on Grandpa Hugh's job situation soon.
song: DJ Earwarm - 2009 State of Pop
memory: This fantastic memory has come full circle for me. Back in the day, Wednesday that is, in our Richfield house, we had kitchen bowl that did anything and everything. It worked great for mixing cookie dough, sorting out lego pieces, holding big portions of Lucky Charms, and puking into. The last purpose is what coined it its name, the puke bowl. No lie in saying that this thing did everything! Whenever you found yourself nauseated on the couch, that bowl accompanied your side. Since moving out and moving up in the world, I have been tempted to steal that infamous bowl from my parents house. I found it hard to think that Ella would grow up without such a fantastic tool to help her grow. Well, those tendencies were put to rest today when we visited our local Dollar Store! We found a flippin' puke bowl! And its not just a puke bowl, but it even has a skid resistant bottom. So there you go, a puke bowl of our own.